As a result of the safety restrictions imposed by the various states in which we operate, Black Diamond Casino Events, LLC is currently unable to perform the services you love. We are still here, however, working (safely distanced) and planning for the time when the stay-in-place orders are lifted.
More than ever, we are keeping in mind the safety of both your guests and our staff. We expect that once the stay-in-place restrictions are lifted, new safety precautions will be required for gatherings. While we don’t know yet what EXACTLY those precautions will be, we are proactively preparing now. Our intentions are to be ready to help you put on a great, safe event when the time comes.
If you have any questions about a pending proposal or would like to get some information for a future event, please contact us! We are still preparing proposals and planning events for our clients. You can still reach us the same way you always have. We hope you and everyone you care about are well and will continue to be well. It’s been said many times that we are all in this together, so let’s plan to get together and celebrate when the pandemic passes!
Thank you and stay safe.